
Thursday, July 21, 2011

The greatest man you'll never know.

I married the greatest man you'll never know. It's a sad, but ridiculously true fact. Most people are willing to take a man at face value. I'm not most people and I'm ridiculously glad for the fact. I started  hanging out with Gar seven years ago. He drove me batshit on a good day, and I flat out hated him on a bad one. Oddly, for a situation he didn't remember. He threatened my brother about a decade ago, and I hold a grudge like woah! So, I ran into him again a few years later from that point, still rather disliking him. Gar being the shit that he is rather than be civil and leave me the hell alone when I informed him I didn't like him instead plopped his ass down next to me and kept chatting. He physically shoved my ass over. I didn't particularly understand at the time, but he has this whole if you're going to hate me out of the blue, I'm going to give you a reason to do so theory. It's a rather unproductive pain in my ass, but hey. It works for him. It weeds out assholes, stupid people, and shallow people. He will play up the stupid, play up the slob, play up the slacker, play up anything you want to stereotype him as, just to see if you're willing to look. There's a reason for it, a damn good reason, that you are likely never going to know. Further, even if I trusted you with the knowledge it's unlikely that he would and I'm certainly not going to tell you. It's his story to tell. I hung out with him because it's not many people who will stand there and ignore me when I'm snarling, and even less people who will shove it in my face. I started sleeping with him cause I came to like him. I started dating him because I came to respect him. I married him because I got to know and love him. He's smarter than most people I know, which is fascinating since I know a whole bunch of smart people. He's driven and ambitious, although he'll be the first to tell you he isn't. He's sweet and caring, although he'll be the first to tell you that he's apathetic and ok with it. He's reasonable, silly, caring, pushy, understanding, awesome, amazing, and so much more. And you'll never know it. You'll never know it because you're so busy congratulating yourself on being right, on being better, that you'll miss out on everything that I didn't. And you know what? That's ok. Because I already married him, so you're SOL.

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