
Sunday, August 12, 2012

It's your fault.

No, really. Are you over 18? Yes? It's your fault?

I really just want to leave it there, because it shouldn't take rocket science to figure this one out, but I find that I am both angry and irritated by the culture we seem to have raised the generations after mine in. Sure, there's a few people in every generation, and really it could be seen as an epidemic, but really... it's like everyone that's younger than me has this knee jerk reaction.

 Well, it's because of this. Is this fixable? Yes, if I do this and this and this. So why not do this and this and this? Because then I can't use it as an excuse!!!!!! Only they're never that honest, are you kidding me? It's always a line of excuses. Because I don't have time. Because it's too expensive. Because it hurts. Because of this ailment. Because my mother called me fat. Because I'm too shy.

Depression is one that's seriously irritating the shit out of me these days.
 I'm depressed because my parents told me I wasn't, I had to be strong. Ok, that sucks, buuuuut... Are you 18 or older? Well, yeah. So, you're no longer your parent's responsibility. Go get it fixed. But I caaaaaaaaaaaan't! Why not? It's too expensive! Here is this place, this place, and this place. They do mental health care for free. *silence for a moment* I don't have time! You can't take two hours out of your day to go get yourself better? It's not that it's that it takes so much time to... Ok, let me stop you right there. What you're really saying is that you want to be depressed and I should leave you alone? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO I hate this, I just can't fix it! Please don't stop lavishing attention on me for negative behavior patterns! How about you call me when you want to do something to fix the problem. In the mean time I should warn you that I don't do that with my dog, why would I do that with a human?? I'll gladly smack your nose and tell you no until you stop doing it...

(You know what? It's MY fault if I keep associating with people who do that. I get that. I have a plan of attack. Vent so I don't accidentally rip off their face when I talk to them. Talk to them. Explain how I feel. Walk away. Personal responsibility, bitches. Right there.)  Back to the point.

Really. It's your fault, it's ALL your fault. Guess what, Whiny McFuckStick, IT'S OK FOR IT TO BE YOUR FAULT!!! As a matter of fact, you'd be so much more awesome if you just admitted it, asked for help, or even just said you were working on --given that you are actually working on it and not just feeding me a line. You have to make mistakes to learn, to grow, and to stop making those mistakes in the future. It's a part of life. For fuck's sake, until you realize and admit to those mistakes you can't grow from them. You don't learn and the rest of us poor saps who realized long ago that we weren't perfect, we weren't always right, are now stuck listening to your dumb ass go on and on and on and ON about how it's not your fault.